The monument to the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac is south of Gettysburg on Pleasonton Avenue. (Pleasonton Avenue tour map)
From the monument
Army of the Potomac
Cavalry Corps
Major General Alfred Pleasonton
First Division Brigadier General John Buford
Second Division Brigadier General David McM. Gregg
Third Division Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick
Headquarters Guard
Co. C 1st Ohio Capt Samuel N. Stanford
Horse Artillery
First Brigade Capt James M. Robertson
Second Brigade Capt John C. Tidball
June 29. Buford’s Division advanced and extended its lines to left as far as Hagerstown to discover Confederate forces if any on left of the Army.Gregg’s Division moved to right of the Army to Westminster covering the country toward York and Carlisle by reconnoissances and patrols. Kilpatrick’s Division advanced to Hanover.
June 30. Gamble’s and Devin’s Brigades Buford’s Division advanced to Gettysburg. Kilpatrick’s Division encountered Stuart’s Cavalry at Hanover. Two brigades of Gregg’s Division were ordered to Gettysburg. Huey’s Third Brigade was left at Westminster.
July 1. Gamble’s and Devin’s Brigades encountered Heth’s Division Hill’s Corps on second ridge west of Gettysburg. When 1st and 11th Corps retreated to Cemetery Hill the Cavalry took position first on the left connecting with the town and later further to the left in front of Little Round Top.
July 2. On the arrival of the 3d Corps Buford’s command was ordered to Westminster. Kilpatrick’s Division marched toward Gettysburg and was ordered to the right and was attacked at Hunterstown by a detachment of Stuart’s command which was repulsed.
July 3. Merritt’s Brigade arrived and skirmished with the Confederate right while the 6th U. S. advanced to Fairfield and became engaged. Kilpatrick with Farnsworth’s Brigade took position on left of battle line and made a charge in the afternoon on the Confederate right but was repulsed with loss including General Farnsworth killed. Gregg’s Division on the right was attacked by Stuart’s Cavalry in the afternoon but with the aid of Custer’s Brigade Kilpatrick’s Division the attack was repulsed.
Casualties Killed 5 Officers 86 Men Wounded 39 Officers 315 Men Captured or Missing 8 Officers 399 Men Total 852
Location of the monument to the Federal Cavalry Corps at Gettysburg
The monument is on the north side of Pleasonton Avenue west of its intersection with Humphreys Avenue. It is just north of the State of Pennsylvania monument. (39°48’29.7″N 77°14’04.7″W)