Union monuments at Gettysburg > Michigan
The monument to the 7th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment is south of Gettysburg on the west side of Hancock Avenue south of the Copse of Trees. (Hancock Avenue Part 3 tour map)
About the monument to the 7th Michigan Infantry
The monument is made of Westerly blue granite and stands just over eight feet tall. On the front is a carved relief of crossed rifles over the laurel leaves of victory with a a forage cap, cartridge box and canteen, all suporting the trefoil symbol of the Second Corps. A bronze tablet with the Seal of the State of Michigan is just above the base. The monument was erected in 1888 and dedicated on June 12th, 1889 by the State of Michigan.
The 7th Michigan Infantry at Gettysburg
The 7th Michigan was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Lieutenant Colonel Amos Steele, Jr., a farmer from Mason, while its Colonel, Norman J. Hall, was in command of the brigade. Steele was killed on July 3rd during Pickett’s Charge, and Major Sylvanus W. Curtis of Monroe took command.
See Major Curtis’ Official Report of the 7th Michigan in the Gettysburg Campaign
Attached to the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac |
From the front of the monument:
Seventh Mich. Inft’y
3rd Brig. 2nd Div., 2nd Corps
From the rear of the monument:
Mustered in at Monroe, Mich. 22, 1861.
Mustered out at Jeffersonville, Ind. July 5, 1865.
Total enrollment, 1393 officers and men.
Killed in action 6 officers, 123 men.
Died of wounds 5 officers, 47 men
Died of disease 3 officers 154 men
Total 338
Participated in 37 skirmishes and general engagements from Ball’s Bluff, Va. Oct. 21, 1861 to siege of Petersburg, Va. Apr. 3, 1865.
Regiment held this position during the engagement of July 2nd & 3rd. 1863. On the evening of the 2nd changed front to the left, meeting and aiding in driving back the enemy. On the 3rd assisted in repulsing Pickett’s Charge, changing front to the right and assaulting the advancing force in flank.
Present for duty 14 officers 151 men
Total 165.
2 officers, 19 men killed; 3 officers, 41 men wounded.
Total 65.
Location of the monument to the 7th Michigan Infantry at Gettysburg
The monument to the 7th Michigan is south of Gettysburg on the west side of Hancock Avenue about 250 feet southwest of the Copse of Trees and the High Water Mark. (39°48’42.5″N 77°14’10.3″W)