Union monuments at Gettysburg > Indiana

The monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry Regiment is west of Gettysburg on Meredith Avenue. (Stone and Meredith Avenues tour map)

There is also a monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry on the Antietam battlefield.

Monument to the 19th Indiana Volunteers at Gettysburg

About the monument to the 19th Indiana

The monument is made of Barre Grey granite from Vermont and stands 9′ 6″ tall. An inset of red granite represents the symbol of the 1st Division of the First Corps. The monument was dedicated on October 28, 1885 by the State of Indiana. In 1904 Meredith Avenue was constructed, moving the road from the far side of the monument to its present location and raising the ground level. At the request of its veterans the monument was raised about a foot by placing it on a base of Gettysburg granite.

The 19th Indiana at the Battle of Gettysburg

The 19th Indiana was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Colonel Samuel J. Williams, a farmer from Selma, Indiana who was originally from Virginia. Williams was wounded on July 1st. He returned to command of the regiment and would be killed at the Battle of the Wilderness on May 6, 1864.

The regiment brought 339 men to the field and lost 27 killed, 133 wounded and 50 missing. This 62% casualty rate shows the vicious fighting along Willoughby Run and during the retreat to Seminary Ridge on July 1st, where the 19th Indiana served on the exposed left flank of the brigade. Five regimental color bearers were killed or wounded on July 1st.

1st Corps Headquarters Flag Attached to the 1st Brigade1st Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac
“Iron Brigade”
1st Corps, 1st Division flag
Detail from the front of the monument, including the red circle, symbol of the First Division of the First Corps, surrounded by laurel leaves of victory

Detail from the front of the monument, including the red circle, symbol of the First Division of the First Corps, surrounded by laurel leaves of victory

Text from the front of the monument:

July 1, 1863.
1 Corps Gen. J. F. Reynolds, killed
1 Div. Gen. J. S. Wadsworth
1 Brig. (iron) Gen. S. Meredith, wounded
Iron Brigade. 2, 6 & 7 Wis. 19 Ind. & 24 Mich. Vol’s.
Effective strength 1883.
Killed, wounded & missing 1212.


Text from the left side of the monument:

19 Indiana Vols.
July 1, 1863
Col. S. J. Williams.
Lt. Col. W. W. Dudley wounded
Maj. J. M. Lindley
Adj. J. E. Finney missing
Sergt. Maj. A. Blanchard, killed
Co. A, Capt. Makepeace, missing
Lieut. Gissel, wounded
Co. B, Lieut. Schlagle
Lt. Jones, killed
Co. C. Capt. Ives, wounded
Lieut. Macy
Lieut. Potts
Co. D. Capt. Holloway
Lt. Yeatman
Co. E, Capt. Green, missing
Lieut. Branson, wounded
Co. F. Capt. Nash
Lieut. Richardson, captured
Co. G, Capt. Shafer, wounded
Lieut Baxter
Lieut. Waldschmidt
Co. H. Capt. Hart, missing
Lieut. Scarbrough, wounded
Lieut. Wilson
Co. I, Lt. Patrick
Lt. Johnson
Co. K, Capt. Orr
Lt. Campbell
Lt. East, killed
Strength, officers and men 288
Killed, wounded & missing 210

From the rear of the monument:

Mustered into U.S. Service July 29, 1861
As veterans Jan. 1, 1864
Consolidated with 7th & 20th Ind. Oct. 18, 1864.
Mustered out July 12, 1865

From the right side of the monument:

Lewinsville, Mattapony
Rappahannock Station,
Sulphur Springs, Gainsville,
2d Bull Run, South Mountain,
Antietam, Fredericksburgh
Fitzhugh Crossing, Chancellorsville,
Gettysburg, Mine Run,
Wilderness, Spotsylvania,
Laurel Hill, North Anna,
Cold Harbor, Petersburg,
Mine Explosion, Weldon R.R.,
Hatcher’s Run, 2 Weldon R.R.,
Morgan’s Station, Gravelly Point,
Fall of Petersburgh
Sailor’s Creek, Appomattox,
Lee’s Surrender.

Location of the monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg

The monument to the 19th Indiana is west of Gettysburg on Meredith Avenue (a continuation of Stone Avenue)  about 0.3 mile south of Chambersburg Road (U.S. 30). Stone and Meredith Avenues are one way south and east.  (39°50’03.0″N 77°15’15.3″W)