Union monuments at Gettysburg > New York > Infantry > 94th New York Infantry Regiment

Numbers 47. Report of Major Samuel A. Moffett, 94th New York Infantry


August 20, 1863.

CAPTAIN: I beg leave respectfully to submit the following report of the part taken by the Ninety-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers, commanded by Colonel A. R. Root, from June 28 until its arrival at Warrenton on July 23, 1863. On the afternoon of June 28, we marched 7 miles, to near Frederick City. On the 29th, we marched a little beyond Emmitsburg, near which place the Ninety-fourth picketed during the night. The next morning marched about 3 miles out of the village, where we remained during the day.

July 1, marched to near Gettysburg, and, after moving forward to near the brick seminary, we were ordered to throw up breastworks. After remaining here a short time, we were ordered forward. We advanced though the woods to a fence, beyond which was the enemy. After dislodging and driving them from their position, we commenced to charge across the field, but after proceeding a part of the way were met by a large opposing force, and at the same time became aware of their advance on our left flank, threatening to cut off our retreat. We immediately fell back in good order to the woods. At this period Colonel Root being wounded, the command of the regiment devolved upon me. We remained in the woods about half an hour, slightly changing our position several times. I was then ordered by General Robinson to take my command to the crest of the hill near by, which I immediately did. I remained in this position until we fell back to the hill on the south side of the town, losing heavily in wounded and prisoners. The report of this day is necessarily meager, as Colonel Root, who had command of the regiment during the hottest of the engagement, is absent a prisoner, and, no doubt, is possessed of much valuable information concerning the battle which I had not the means of ascertaining.

We remained in the vicinity of Cemetery Hill during July 2 and 3, occasionally changing our position in obedience to orders. We were constantly under fire, either from the batteries of the enemy or from their sharpshooters, but, fortunately, no one was killed and but few were wounded. Late in the afternoon of the 3d, in the midst of a heavy fire, we moved a short distance to the left of the hill, where we immediately threw up breastworks. Our skirmishers, which were at once sent forward, remained out during the night and the day following. On the morning of the 5th, we marched to the left about 1 mile, and here remained during the day and night.

The next morning we commenced a march which was continued during the two following days, passing on our way the villages of Emmitsburg and Middletown. On the 8th, we halted on the western slope of South Mountain range, and immediately threw up breastworks. Here we remained until the 10th, when we moved forward to near Little Beavertown, on Beaver Creek, and again threw up intrenchments. At this place the Ninety-fourth New York was ordered out on picket duty, which we performed until the following day. On the morning of the 12th, we again moved forward, and marched to near Hagerstown, where we immediately proceeded to intrench ourselves in close proximity to the intrenchments of the enemy. Our skirmishers were engaged during the night and the next day, but no casualties occurred.

Early on the morning of the 14th, it was discovered that the skirmishers of the enemy had been withdrawn, and that their line of intrenchments had been abandoned. Soon after, we received orders to advance, which we did without opposition, arriving near Williamsport late in the afternoon on the same day, and learning that the entire force of the enemy had recrossed the river. The next day, in compliance with orders, we faced about and marched toward Berlin, which place we reached about noon, July 16. Here we encamped until the morning of the 18th, when we crossed the Potomac River, marching in a southerly direction. Continuing our march, we passed the villages of Waterford, Middleburg, and White Plains, and reached Warrenton on the 23rd day of July, 1863.

Major, Commanding Ninety-fourth Regiment.

Assistant Adjutant-General.

from Official Records, Series 1, Volume 27, Part 1, Pages 299-300

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