Union monuments at Gettysburg > Pennsylvania > Infantry 

The monument to the 107th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment is northwest of Gettysburg on Doubleday Avenue. (Doubleday – Robinson Avenues tour map)  A marker showing the position of the regiment on July 2nd is south of town next to the Bryan farm on Hancock Avenue (Hancock Avenue at Ziegler’s Grove tour map)

Monument to the 107th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment on the Gettysburg battlefield

Monument to the 107th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment at Gettysburg

The 107th Pennsylvania was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Lieutenant Colonel James McThomson. He was wounded on July 1st, and Captain Emanuel D. Roath then took command.

Official Records thumbnail
See Lieutenant Colonel McThomson’s & Captain Roath’s Official Reports for the 107th Pennsylvania in the Gettysburg Campaign.
1st Corps Headquarters Flag Attached to the 1st Brigade2nd Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac 1C-2D

Looking west from Doubleday Avenue at the 107th Pennsylvania monument.

From the front of the monument:

107th Penna. Infantry

1st Brig. 2d Div. 1st Corps

July 1. The regiment fought here
from 1 P.M. until the Corps retired and
then took position on the left of
Cemetery Hill. In the evening of the
2d. moved to the left to support the
Second Corps, and after the repulse of
the enemy returned to former position.
On the 3d. moved several times to
reinforce different parts of the line.

From the left side of the monument:

Present at Gettysburg
25 officers 230 enlisted men.
Killed and died of wounds 16 men,
Wounded 8 officers 43 men,
Captured or missing 6 officers 92 men,
Total loss 165.

From the right side of the monument:

Mustered in Feb. and March 1862,
Re-enlisted Feb. and March 1864.
Mustered out July 13, 1865.

Location of the monument to the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg

The main monument to the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry is northwest of Gettysburg on the west side of Doubleday Avenue about 0.2 mile south of Mummasburg Road. (39°50’30.8″N 77°14’33.8″W)

Position marker for the 107th Pennsylvania along Hancock Avenue

Marker for the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg

Marker on Hancock Avenue

From the marker on Hancock Avenue:

The 107th Regiment
Pennsylvania Infantry
occupied this position
during a part of July 2nd 1863.
Went into action July 1st
with 255 officers and men.
Lost during the three days
in killed, wounded and missing
165 officers
and men.

Location of the position marker for the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg

The marker showing the position of the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry on July 2 is south of Gettysburg on the west side of Hancock Avenue 80 feet north of the Bryan farmhouse. (39°48’56.9″N 77°14’07.0″W)