Tour the Gettysburg battlefield > North • Central • South • E. Cavalry Field
Wright and Howe Avenues today is one of the quieter corners of the Gettysburg battlefield – just as it was in 1863. The Avenues are named for Major General Albion Howe and Brigadier General Horatio G. Wright, who commanded the two divisions of the 6th Corps. The Avenues follow the positions of two brigades of the Union Sixth Army Corps that were held in reserve during the battle to guard against a flank attack behind the Round Tops. They are not part of the National Park Auto Tour.
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6th Corps, 2nd Division
6th Corps, 1st Division, 3rd Brigade
6th Corps, 2nd Division, 2nd Brigade
brigade, regimental, and battery monuments
6th Maine Infantry Regiment
3rd Massachusetts Battery
1st New York Artillery, Battery C
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
119th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
1st Vermont Brigade
5th Wisconsin infantry Regiment